David Hockney to Vincent Van

20th century portrait Painters

Celebrity Portraits

Highly successful people will always be a desired subject (or target) of professional designers, from Renaissance to Pop-Art. Types of portraitists and their particular images of superstars feature: Jan van Eyck: The (1434); Lucas Cranach the Elder: Diptych utilizing the Portraits of Luther and His Wife Katherina von Bora (1529); John Singleton Copley: The Three Youngest Daughters of George III (1785, Buckingham Palace London); Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tisschbein: Goethe within the Campagna (1787); Joseph Lange: Mozart during the Pianoforte (1789); Sir Henry Raeburn: Sir Walter Scott (1823); Ilya Repin: Portrait of Leo Tolstoy (1887); Juan Gris: Portrait of Pablo Picasso (1912); Graham Sutherland: Portrait of Somerset Maugham (1949); Willem De Kooning: Marilyn Monroe (1954); Andy Warhol: Eight Elvises (1963). Other paintings of highly successful people consist of: the poet Anna Akhmatova painted by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin; the star Charlie Chaplin by Fernand Leger; and Bolshevik frontrunner Lenin by Isaak Brodsky.

Another less formal types of portraiture is caricature, typically of politicians and celebrities, posted in papers also periodicals, like Time magazine, Vanity Fair as well as the New Yorker.

Nude Portraits

From Classical Antiquity, through Renaissance towards twentieth century, both male and feminine nude have showcased in portraiture, in artwork, sculpture and engraving - Botticelli's (1485) becoming one of the best. Other famous nude portraits include: (1510, Dresden) by Giorgione; (1538, Uffizi) by Titian; The Rokeby Venus (1647) by Velazquez; (1808, Louvre) and (1814, Louvre) by JAD Ingres. For any other famous instances, see: Female Nudes in Art background (Top 20) and Male Nudes in Art History (Top 10).

Vanity Portraiture

Portrait musicians had been in addition commissioned by lesser nobles, social numbers and businessmen generate a flattering likeness of them, reflecting their place in culture. This type of easel-art flourished during High Italian Renaissance, as well as in the Northern Renaissance among the list of Dutch and Flemish schools, because portable art news like panel paintings and canvases began to change mural frescoes. Examples include: Duke Federico da Montefeltro along with his Spouse Battista Sforza (c.1466) by Piero Della Francesca; The Family & Court of Ludovico II Gonzaga (c.1474) by Andrea Mantegna; Leonardo's (Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani) (c.1490), and Mona Lisa (c.1503), partner of Francesco del Giocondo; Raphael's (1515); Jan van Eyck's Virgin of Chancellor Rolin (1436); Holbein's Erasmus of Rotterdam (1523, National Gallery, London); The vendor Georg Gisze (1532, SMPK, Berlin); therefore the Ambassadors (1533, National Gallery, London); (1624) by Frans Hals; (1642) and (The Staalmeesters) (1662) by Rembrandt; Master Thomas Lister (1764) by Joshua Reynolds; Mrs Richard Sheridan (1785) by Thomas Gainsborough; (1832) and (1844-65) by Ingres. Portrait of skip Amelia Van Buren (1891) by Thomas Eakins; and Portrait of skip Dora Wheeler (1883, Cleveland Museum of Art) by William Merritt...

Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter:Joan
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter:Joan ...
Manhatta: A Portrait of New York by Painter Charles
Manhatta: A Portrait of New York by Painter Charles ...
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter
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